Salvatore Giuliano did not realize being a pawn in the hands of the mafia, who used it but that would have downloaded carry all the blame. In any case, his fate was sealed: he had to die because he knew too much. During the last phase of the conflict, while poor and desperate in Sicily had begun the lucrative business of black market, some landowners and farmers of trying to steal the grain in storage, ie by subtracting the grain to desperate people who had nothing to enough to eat, to create a form of market outside the rules of an emergency. The Young Julian was, therefore, carrying flour on the black market, when it was stopped at a roadblock by the police. Instinctively, the young man, "and spertu malandrinu", shot and killed a policeman and giving himself fled to the bush. The fugitive, who had many supporters in the country, was able to give life to a gang, linked to his image as invincible and charismatic leader and supported by all the land of Montelepre, who saw in him a new Robin Hood, a justice who attacked the police and common part, killing, among other things, like rank mobsters for Sant

But Julian, after this fact in dark clouds gathering, he knew of having become a pawn in a tragedy greater than he, and part of the protagonist was run by shady characters, "borderline" and, above all, powerful. And then he wrote to newspapers to have a "Memorial on the facts of Portella della Ginestra. In August '49 he was sent to Sicily, with instructions to dismiss Giuliano, Colonel Ugo Luca carabinieri. Julian was one of the few I know who had ordered him to fire on farmers Portella, and perhaps he could say things far more incriminating. When in '54 the process on those facts Pisciotta said he'd made statements about what had happened, he was poisoned with a famous coffee strychnine before he could realize with these official statements, just inside the prison dell'Ucciardone.
But before being killed Giuliano understood to have been downloaded and thought of the vengeance: he wanted to kidnap Mattarella Bernardo, then undersecretary of the Ministry of Transportation, wanted to take Don Calò Vizzini, at which point he spoke of the memorial. But the mob came before and, despite warnings from the official PS datigli Ciro Verdi, "Beware of your cousin, and having realized that those were bluffing Giuliano, together with its allies decided to eliminate the root problem, and Giuliano could avoid being killed. Julian was certainly cautious and to delete were in charge of police men, police and carabinieri, considerable prestige, men who came from a kind of intelligence, some of them had worked with the Prefect Mori, and at the time were in the service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, chaired by Minister Sicilian Scelba. On July 4, '50, with a staging that should have been credited to a gunfight with the police, was found riddled with bullets

the strange death of Salvatore Giuliano. Note that, shot in the back, blood soaks the vest in an unusual way. Another strange thing is the fact that in a shootout with police Julian not only had the vest, but it would have been dressed. This shows that the death of Giuliano took place by someone close to him indoors for a house.