Friday, December 11, 2009

What Should My Brazillian Wax Look Like

job Ottaviano of Ludovica

To find significant traces of the Mafia in the literary works I need to go back to comedy mafiusi de le Vicara (1863) Joseph Gaspar Rizzotto and Moscow, where for was the first time used the term mafia, or, more precisely to the Mafia, in the title of a play. In the play of Rizzotto and Moscow plays a leading role in the presence of a strong character, a famous political prisoner, Incognito, under whose remains hidden perhaps Francesco Crispi. It will be one of the leaders of the organization Camorra. Will he, in the last act, to reinstate the chief Cammoro, the "zu Iachinu" in a society that is now liberated from the Bourbons, who, under the new order of justice and true, no longer needs the intermediary of the "malandrinesca Association," that instead of Iachinu friends, much to his disapproval, would still keep alive in the House of Savoy.

The comedy can provide some interesting data for the first definition of a paradigm of literary mafia. First, clear the inextricable link between Garibaldi's revolution and the Mafia, including some political and mafia. Secondly, it reveals, from the beginning, an idea of \u200b\u200bthe Mafia as a criminal association certainly, but anti-Bourbon, and tamed by the ruling class in Sicily, the liberal and republican, perhaps colluding with it. The term mafia becomes a common word from 1863 lopera and had great success and was translated into Italian , Neapolitan and Milanese , spreading the word throughout the country.

For a century, however, from that moment, will bear the responsibility of the writers have done a sounding board to the mafia myth by giving it an almost romantic aura, up to the works of Leonardo Sciascia.

Peter Mazzamuto identify certain works in the figure of the Sicilian mafia halo, or a romantic stereotype of the Mafia, a sort of Robin Hood of Sicily, that vehicle will spread through much of the literature dappendice notoriously consumed by common and less savvy readers in Sicily and elsewhere. This mafia halo is different from common criminals and even works against those in power to defend the local inhabitants. For example, it The league presents Pirandello's a mafia that makes landowners pay a tax with which to supplement meager wages of the farmers. Another example is I Beati Paoli , a novel appeared in serial form in the appendix "Giornale di Sicilia" from 1909 to 1910 of which he was author Louise Natoli, under the pseudonym William Galt. In it, the cult of hooded blacks, contrary to previous interpretations, was presented protomafiosa as an association, fueling the legend of a secret organization created to avenge the weak and bring justice where justice is not there. A myth that's what the Mafia would be appropriate to justify its criminal or even referring, when the loser, another legend of a mafia, and knightly old, anchored in a mandatory code of honor, which is fighting against a ' new organization, ruthless, devoid of moral reference. A poet and historian of his Italian opera, Giovanni Alfredo Cesareo, was the author of a play in 1921, The Mafia, in which they are carried out with skill and dramatic capacity for psychological introspection, all the clichés about a mafia dispenser of justice, where justice is not, and especially sexual reparation of wrongs. Faced with a prefect continental inept and worthless, the central ideological conflict of the play is the one between Baron Montedomini, sworn enemy of democracy and the mafia, with arguments that seem to emerge from the investigation of Franchetti and Sonnino, and the lawyer Rascon, who talks like a mobster Capuana, the clash has a happy ending, which marks the victory of mob violence on the right of the lawyer that unjust aristocrat who makes himself a supporter of the so-called law of the State.

must add that, extracted from the historical substance of the play its form apologetics is not difficult to discern in Rascon, with good insight and a representative of the "mafia in yellow gloves, business and middle-class grew and prospered with the expansion of suffrage. Other examples are found in seven and a half Giuseppe Maggiore, it The Day of the Owl by Sciascia and other works.

Sciascia in his works has a less romantic vision of the Mafia, even if it's left linfluenza The Day of the Owl , when Captain Bellodi ranking the Mafia Arena, despite his heinous actions, among men, which is the first class to dimportanza order created by the boss that distinguished men according the following hierarchy: men, Halflings, ominicchi, and pigliainculo quaquaraquà. Even Camilleri, for his part, he The trip to Tindari accepts The idea that the Mafia was founded as a protectionist system created by citizens to defend themselves, but at the same time is aware that the Mafia today is a degeneration of the traditional one. However, thanks to Sciascia and allantimafia that the Italians have begun to understand lintreccio power between business, workers and society additatoci by Sciascia in books such as To Each His Own and context. On the issue of relations literature-mafia was involved the study of literary-critical Massimo Onofri, all to dinner at Don Mariano . It is a deeply informed research that not only are proposed and compared different generations of Sicilian writers who have dealt with this issue, but also reflections on the theme. In this paper are highlighted contradictions in which he fell Giuseppe Pitre, in its etymological and sociological discourses around the word mafia and the fact that it implies, it remembers that kind of silence in respect dellargomento, marked by Sciascia, Capuana, Verga ; to unmask the self-laudatory Sicilian, loaded with filomafiose implications, not only present but also in Pitrè Cesareo, Drive, in court, the slave memoirs and volumes of the prefect Iron Cesare Mori. According to the historian of popular traditions Giuseppe Pitre, the word mafia has the original meaning "graciousness and excellence of its kind" and then "be a man of conscience, self-assurance never arrogance of mind ..." . He described the Mafia as a person who wanted to be respected and, if offended, do not go to court, because it would have shown its weakness.

According to the scholar, the image of the Mafia as a crime would have been spread by the play of Joseph Rizzotto I mafiusi of the Vicariate. Capuana, a conference was to clarify: 'Mafia once did not mean ... association of criminals, and the Mafia was not a thief, much less a robber. The word mafia meant something nice and kind ... Mafia was called a beautiful girl, mafia every item that the French would say, 'chic' ... Today mafia and mafia are no longer any of this '. "

In the reconstruction of the fight against the Mafia Mori is the so-called" strong solution ", namely the suspension of all rights, the strong way, the city state' siege. It 's the card played by the newly fascist regime and often claimed, then until today, as an example of a tough and determined way of approaching the organized crime.

All literature about the mafia is often considered junk just because it fails to sensitize and inform people about the problem by creating a culture of legality. Camilleri As noted in an interview, analyze the Mafia was up to historians, sociologists, is not the job of writers or novelists, for lalterare inevitably end up with reality, to bring it to their personal parameters and fantastic narrative. If the mafia can be no screening, probably by the storytellers are, where they end up falling in love with their characters. For example Small district court, Joseph Guido Loschiavo (novel from which he drew the Pietro Germi film In the name of the law ) Sicilian prosecutor, presents us with a certain sympathy with the character of Passallacqua Turi, head of the Mafia. The same is taking place The Day of the Owl by Leonardo Sciascia: Don Mariano is a debater, with experience of peasant wisdom, so that, in a world that is inexorably corrupts, ultimately also find some positives. In fact, the mafia positive side has none. I'm just pure criminals, more or less organized, more or less intelligent, with deaths and carnage on the shoulders. This is the starting point for a calm appraisal of the phenomenon: the mafia are dangerous outlaws. Must to rely on scholars, who not only limited to the study of the criminal trial, but to go in search of the underlying causes of the monstrous development of the mafia. Not only should rely on the courts.

When Romano or Hesse wrote their essays on the mafia, the major processes are not even dreamed of, the Mafia was a quid undefined and undefinable. Can and should exist a priori analysis, supported, in retrospect, the findings of trials. But without the analysis of specialists, professionals (we use this expression in a different sense from that intended Sciascia, which referred only to the judges) will not go far. The Mafia was first

illiterate, but when he learned to light has started to kill the journalists because he understood the importance of words: a journalist who writes, which identifies certain bonds, certain relationships, brings his insights and knowledge, create unopinione public against the mafia and this is a huge risk for it. Therefore, journalists, commentators and historians, such as Fava, Wolf, Pantaleone, who wrote many books on the Mafia, and they alone are able to be completely neutral and then inform the public about the severity related to this issue.