Men of Colorado, I salute you and I go In Sicilia molti giornalisti sono stati assassinati da mani mafiose interest in preventing them from speaking.
And the list is long, long sadly.
Men who honestly did their work as a journalist, looking for news, denouncing the distortions of a sick society, suffocated from illegality mafia, have been silenced, removed with cold barbarism. Have been killed so
* Mauro De Mauro, in September 1970 because he was a chronicler of race and discovered that they had to remain secret, perhaps related to the killing of Enrico Mattei, or perhaps even worse,
* Giovanni Spampinato, whose killing, which occurred in 1972 is still shrouded in a thousand questions;
* Mark French, who out of the office of the newspaper reporters greet friends with "Men in Colorado, I salute you and I go," he who first realized that he saw a Corleone had become the boss of bosses of the Cosa Nostra and that on the evening of January 26 1979, returning home to Palermo, was killed by Mafia hitmen,
* Pippo Fava, killed Jan. 5, 1984 in Catania, who only days before his murder, 28 December 1983, had issued what was supposed to Enzo Biagi
be his last interview (see
during which says that words have the gravity of stones, such as Carlo Levi said, quoting the words of the mother of Salvatore Carnevale;
* Beppe Alfano, a professor of journalism school lover, killed on January 8, 1993 in Barcellona Pozzo di Gotto because it was "pain in the ass reporter" as Sicilians wrote Riccardo Orioles on new, one reporter who had not even the professional certificate, which was investigating an international arms trade that passed - according to his insights - in the Messina area. He had perhaps contributed to the capture of the boss Nitto Santapaola in 1993 and opened the cover of Freemasonry speculated that diverted traffic making use of European subsidies for oranges.
see And more crimes have involved journalists who sought answers to many questions by informing small television their private audience. And here Peppino Impastato
torn by an explosion May 9, 1978, after being stunned and tied to the tracks to simulate an attack, killed, as she tells very well the movie "The Hundred Steps" because with his little radio gave AUT discomfort at the local mafia, Tano Badalamenti.
And here the night of September 26, 1988 murder of Mauro Rostagno, in Sicily had given life to a community Saman and RTC by the broadcaster made his complaints.
And these days a small transmitter, Telejato, received the visit of the Mafia
as beating of the journalist Pino Maniaci.
this service Telejato some time ago: