Monday, March 22, 2010

Sidekick Unlimited Minutes Hack

weeks 22 to 27 March - Italian

Monday - we presented N. Machiavelli's life and his major work
to know for next Monday (29 / 3), reading the two tracks sull'Antologia

Tuesday - today we have seen other complements of the two groups: removal, home, company .. . and started the exercises that will end for essre
Thursday, 25 p. 502, ex. 1, 2, 3 (Time)
p. 504, ex 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (Place)
507, 1, 2
508, 1

Wednesday 24 - the comic
For now you have to prepare the final for the month of March
play in a working class on comics (I invite you to bring one from home) and read tales of authors for children (p. 225 ...)

Thursday - finish the grammar exercises started in class Tuesday
you can also practice using the link that are right on this page ...
Friday - read interviews with Noestlinger (226) and his song p. 228
read the presentation of S. Gandolfi (243) and the song p. 247: Mysterious Island

Monday 29 - Revise Machiavelli (the life and major work)
Today we will talk about Galileo Galilei, a great scientist capable to talk about science in an interesting way ...

for Tuesday 30 - practice these exercises on logical oral
p. 500, p. ex 5
502, No 4
p. 505, No 6


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