In Palermo it was hot that day, a warm, mixed with that air heavy, the sirocco, which is not only a scorching wind and wet, but, above all, a mood, sticky and suffocating. It was hot that July 21, a hot sticky that you drill the heart. It was the summer of 1979 and in our poor country strange things happening. The year before the kidnapping had taken place with the killing of the bodyguards of Aldo Moro, who then ended in this terrible way that we all know. And only ten days before the hot day, July 11, was a terrible event occurred which connects the north and south of our country, united in crime: George Ambrosoli liquidator of the Italian Private Bank, owned by Michele Sindona, was assassinated on command of the banker - Business - Mafia.
July 21 that day was hot and sticky. Well
in Palermo was a "sheriff with a mustache" , someone who wanted to bring some 'clarity, he wanted to make the air foul less and less foggy. Sheriff, who was appointed chief of police for Bruno Contrada, followed the tracks of interest: he understood that the Mafia was changing skin, had new interests, new ways to "headlights picciuli" Now the road was that of drugs, and "the sheriff with a mustache" understood that. And only a few days before his death Ambrosoli had met George, as in following his trail of drugs had been able to come across a book bearer, with a hundred million pounds at the time, owned by Michele Sindona, who was under a false identity in that period in Sicily, having staged a fake kidnapping. And then there was the "fact of Ficuzza, yes, that barbarous assassination in Ficuzza, a fraction of the town of Corleone, in which they were killed Lieutenant Colonel of the Carabinieri, Giuseppe Russo, and his friend, Professor Filippo Costa, and in those days of July 1979 the process was nearing completion. And there was a criminal character in the background, on which the sheriff was investigating, and that he understood the dangerous criminal, Leoluca Bagarella.
with a mustache and the sheriff had said that July 28 would have given a resounding news ...
July 28 ....
... but the 21 Leoluca Bagarella treacherously killed "the sheriff", Boris Giuliano, while he was alone in a bar in Palermo for a coffee.
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