Monday, March 29, 2010

Senior Citizens Home Coimbatore

English: p 79 to 10 questions as No. 11 on ogg home + p + n ° 13 to 86 n ° 1

Geometry: CHECK + p 97 p 98 n ° 127 + n 198 ° + photocopy No. 492-271

Eng: practice of these exercises on logical oral
p. 500, p. ex 5
502, No 4
p. 505, No 6

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Women In Open Bottom Girdles

Tuesday 30 Thursday 25 Friday 26

Mate: p 23-24 ° p41n 168-169 + + p 71 + p 72 No. 97-101/2 nà 113

Eng: read the interviews Noestlinger at (226) and his song p. 228
read the presentation of S. Gandolfi (243) and the song p. 247: Mysterious Island

Wednesday, March 24, 2010


English: p 197 # 1 ab 2 + p + n ° n ° 198 4-5-6-7

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Tounge Too Thick For Normal Tounge Ring

How Long Will An Allergy Last

Wednesday 24 Wednesday 24

Spa: imp + p 98 + p 96 write and translate imp reg n ° 8 + 97 and p 10 + p ex n ° 168 n ° 1-3-4

Eng: write in Italian the underlined part of the normal p 440

Monday, March 22, 2010

Sidekick Unlimited Minutes Hack

weeks 22 to 27 March - Italian

Monday - we presented N. Machiavelli's life and his major work
to know for next Monday (29 / 3), reading the two tracks sull'Antologia

Tuesday - today we have seen other complements of the two groups: removal, home, company .. . and started the exercises that will end for essre
Thursday, 25 p. 502, ex. 1, 2, 3 (Time)
p. 504, ex 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (Place)
507, 1, 2
508, 1

Wednesday 24 - the comic
For now you have to prepare the final for the month of March
play in a working class on comics (I invite you to bring one from home) and read tales of authors for children (p. 225 ...)

Thursday - finish the grammar exercises started in class Tuesday
you can also practice using the link that are right on this page ...
Friday - read interviews with Noestlinger (226) and his song p. 228
read the presentation of S. Gandolfi (243) and the song p. 247: Mysterious Island

Monday 29 - Revise Machiavelli (the life and major work)
Today we will talk about Galileo Galilei, a great scientist capable to talk about science in an interesting way ...

for Tuesday 30 - practice these exercises on logical oral
p. 500, p. ex 5
502, No 4
p. 505, No 6

Angel Bite Piercing Cost

English: p 196 No. 18-19-20 leg + p 74 + n ° 2 imp and tools + 76 GB + p ex n ° 5-6

Sciences: p 11 to 13 + rip

Geometry: rip + p 3 + rotate a triangle 60 ° (-) (counterclockwise) + n ° 91 p 71 + p 37 + p 87 No. 91 No. 69

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Mach 2 Shannon Whirry Online

Monday 22 Tuesday 23

Art: Comp design + lead tempera

Mate: p 22 + p 41 ex n ° 66 n ° 173-174 + p 45-42

Eng: sum up the adventures of Don Quixote + ex p 219

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Mera Naam Joker Hot Picnic Scene



Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Ginger Bread Mix In A Box

Mercoldì 17

Spa: dialogues imp ex p 72 + p 95 n ° 5-6 + write qi signs and phrases

History: p 232 rip x joined knowledge + comp skills

Ita: telling episodes of Don Quixote

Friday, March 12, 2010

Spanish Phrases, Wedding

English: p70 GB + ex n ° 9 -10 + p 194 No. 13-14-15

English: copy and translate p to 92 + imp mem. the first two dialogues p92 + p 168 n ° 1-2-3

lead team protractor and compass + p 31 + p 82 No. 90 No. 62-67

Sciences: p 10

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Rogers And Sons Knife

Placido Rizzotto, a champion of Sicily right

There once was a character with a big heart .... And yes, it could start as a legend as a fairy tale without a happy ending, as "nu cuntu Sicilianu " and beautiful people to make u cuntu in Sicily there are not many, but there any.

They are the protagonists these cunti Sicilian all the heroes, without blemish and without fear, not reckless, but courageous, because they know that will happen, but still, just because cunti these characters are real heroes and I hate injustice, can not stand the weak, the ones that nobody sees, that the arrogance of those "good" Sicilian considers " nuddu ammiscati cu components, must suffer the injustice, should live in abject poverty and desperate. There are heroes in Sicily like that, someone named John, Paul was called someone else, another Accursio , a Pio, one old, wrapped in legend, or perhaps legend himself, CoLAP (Nicole Pesce). Today I want to talk about a hero of Sicily, the Sicilian, most of them do not know.

Placido called, and perhaps would have loved to live peacefully , but even more loved living in a state fair, in a land of beauty, such as Sicily, but not unhappy. During the resistance fought against the Nazi forces that kept our country in check. Then come back to his land, Corleone (yes even Corleone born good people) became secretary of labor and organized farmers to try to make concrete these decrees of the Minister of Agriculture Gullo that included a distribution farmers left uncultivated lands of the estates.

But the owners of these estates, in alliance with the Mafia through their gabelloti , reacted with various forms of illegality, reaching even to the murders. And many were in a few months trade unionists killed.

And then ... and then fell to Placido, who knew that they would kill him, but pulled back.

the evening of March 10, just like today, 62 years ago, Placido was joined by some men who took him and killed him in the open countryside, making the body disappear into a sinkhole a foiba the area, Roccabusambra is called. And then there is Placido, difficult to recover the corpse, only part of the body was taken outside.

But despite the foul grave, along with the carcasses of sheep and other animals, Placido Rizzotto , the champion of a more just Sicily speaks to us, if we want to hear it. Placido, who has never received justice, Placido, that many have forgotten, Placido wants to teach men and women of good will, those words of an old Sicilian folk poetry: A

servu , tempu makes chiste patch,

ccussi priava to Cristu and cci Lets say :

" Signuri ! U me Patruno mishandles me!

me is switching 'n Dogs' nta the way;

tuttu you Piggie ccu know the Manazza

Macari to say about life and nun is mine.

It ppo I lagnu cchiù peggiu I Minazzi ,

to bbastunati I lliscia u pilu em ' impriggiunìa .

So you pregu , chiste bad race,

destroy you, Cristu , ppi mine!

"It TTU , Forsi you ciunchi Brac them?

Or did you ' nchiuvati switching to mine?

Cu flights giustizzia is the Fazza

Né speri c’ autru la faria ppi tia .

Si ttu si omu e nun si na testa pazza,

metti a fruttu sta sintenzia mia:

iu nun saria supra sta cruciazza

S’ avissi fattu quantu dissi a ttia ”.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Homemade Body Products

week from 8 to Saturday 13 March 14 - Italian

meantime here are the titles of the texts to be implemented in the coming weeks:
Date for the next titles: 10-17-24
March 1. Millions of human beings, the aliens have chosen me as their ambassador and testimonials ... I'll tell you what happened ...
2. Imagine that the world is threatened by total destruction (ecological, seismic, war ...): which sci-fi project devised to put the men to safety? He talks about the preparation, implementation and the possible success of your plan.
3. Have you read a book or seen a science fiction movie that I like to tell.
4. Scientific progress every day we get used to new discoveries and applications. I try to describe the day the future of a student in 2050.

for Wednesday 10
2 ° for the month ... Review of the authors studied so far (from Dante to Tasso)

for Thursday 11
Grammar: Review of the complements of the first group - p. 496 es. No 4 on the book and 6 (oral) - p. 498, No Oral 4 - p. N 500, 5 on the book

to Friday 12 - Review of the authors studied so far (from Dante to Tasso)
make a simple comic strip as mentioned in class - reading from p. 202 to 217

document, on GMAIL - remember all that text to be sent should be written in your shared document, in March it should arrive at least ONE each (but not via mail, you must write it in the box of your document). Who no longer able to access it must send an email to Professor ( and explain the difficulty.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Are Women Like Nipples Man

Friday 5

And Conditions: p 102-103 up to flat foot

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Deathwatch By Robb White By Chapters

English: leg, translate the q imp p 88 + 4 x rip good unit testing

Monday, March 1, 2010

What Color Pants To Wear With Dark Purple Shirt

Tuesday 2 Wednesday 3

English: Check

Geometry: Review + ex. No. 90 p 58-53 + photocopy roar No. 534-539