"The hope of these kids it's time to do not leave your head. The gun that has escaped hand of the Mafia culture. "
Felicia Impastato Borlotta mother of Peppino Impastato, killed by the Mafia on 9, 5, 1978
"The fight against the Mafia is the first problem to be solved in our beautiful land and unfortunate. He must not only be a separate work of repression, but a moral and cultural movement that involved all and especially our oung g generations, the most suitable immediately feel the beauty of the fresh air of freedom which reject the stench of compromise the default, indifference, and the contiguity

Paolo Borsellino

Giovanni Falcone

" Unfortunately, the courts may act only in part in the fight against the Mafia. If the Mafia is an institution that attracts Anti-State consents considered more efficient because of the state, the school's task is reverse this process perverse form ndo youth culture and institutions of the State . "Paolo Borsellino
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