Friday, December 11, 2009

What Should My Brazillian Wax Look Like

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To find significant traces of the Mafia in the literary works I need to go back to comedy mafiusi de le Vicara (1863) Joseph Gaspar Rizzotto and Moscow, where for was the first time used the term mafia, or, more precisely to the Mafia, in the title of a play. In the play of Rizzotto and Moscow plays a leading role in the presence of a strong character, a famous political prisoner, Incognito, under whose remains hidden perhaps Francesco Crispi. It will be one of the leaders of the organization Camorra. Will he, in the last act, to reinstate the chief Cammoro, the "zu Iachinu" in a society that is now liberated from the Bourbons, who, under the new order of justice and true, no longer needs the intermediary of the "malandrinesca Association," that instead of Iachinu friends, much to his disapproval, would still keep alive in the House of Savoy.

The comedy can provide some interesting data for the first definition of a paradigm of literary mafia. First, clear the inextricable link between Garibaldi's revolution and the Mafia, including some political and mafia. Secondly, it reveals, from the beginning, an idea of \u200b\u200bthe Mafia as a criminal association certainly, but anti-Bourbon, and tamed by the ruling class in Sicily, the liberal and republican, perhaps colluding with it. The term mafia becomes a common word from 1863 lopera and had great success and was translated into Italian , Neapolitan and Milanese , spreading the word throughout the country.

For a century, however, from that moment, will bear the responsibility of the writers have done a sounding board to the mafia myth by giving it an almost romantic aura, up to the works of Leonardo Sciascia.

Peter Mazzamuto identify certain works in the figure of the Sicilian mafia halo, or a romantic stereotype of the Mafia, a sort of Robin Hood of Sicily, that vehicle will spread through much of the literature dappendice notoriously consumed by common and less savvy readers in Sicily and elsewhere. This mafia halo is different from common criminals and even works against those in power to defend the local inhabitants. For example, it The league presents Pirandello's a mafia that makes landowners pay a tax with which to supplement meager wages of the farmers. Another example is I Beati Paoli , a novel appeared in serial form in the appendix "Giornale di Sicilia" from 1909 to 1910 of which he was author Louise Natoli, under the pseudonym William Galt. In it, the cult of hooded blacks, contrary to previous interpretations, was presented protomafiosa as an association, fueling the legend of a secret organization created to avenge the weak and bring justice where justice is not there. A myth that's what the Mafia would be appropriate to justify its criminal or even referring, when the loser, another legend of a mafia, and knightly old, anchored in a mandatory code of honor, which is fighting against a ' new organization, ruthless, devoid of moral reference. A poet and historian of his Italian opera, Giovanni Alfredo Cesareo, was the author of a play in 1921, The Mafia, in which they are carried out with skill and dramatic capacity for psychological introspection, all the clichés about a mafia dispenser of justice, where justice is not, and especially sexual reparation of wrongs. Faced with a prefect continental inept and worthless, the central ideological conflict of the play is the one between Baron Montedomini, sworn enemy of democracy and the mafia, with arguments that seem to emerge from the investigation of Franchetti and Sonnino, and the lawyer Rascon, who talks like a mobster Capuana, the clash has a happy ending, which marks the victory of mob violence on the right of the lawyer that unjust aristocrat who makes himself a supporter of the so-called law of the State.

must add that, extracted from the historical substance of the play its form apologetics is not difficult to discern in Rascon, with good insight and a representative of the "mafia in yellow gloves, business and middle-class grew and prospered with the expansion of suffrage. Other examples are found in seven and a half Giuseppe Maggiore, it The Day of the Owl by Sciascia and other works.

Sciascia in his works has a less romantic vision of the Mafia, even if it's left linfluenza The Day of the Owl , when Captain Bellodi ranking the Mafia Arena, despite his heinous actions, among men, which is the first class to dimportanza order created by the boss that distinguished men according the following hierarchy: men, Halflings, ominicchi, and pigliainculo quaquaraquà. Even Camilleri, for his part, he The trip to Tindari accepts The idea that the Mafia was founded as a protectionist system created by citizens to defend themselves, but at the same time is aware that the Mafia today is a degeneration of the traditional one. However, thanks to Sciascia and allantimafia that the Italians have begun to understand lintreccio power between business, workers and society additatoci by Sciascia in books such as To Each His Own and context. On the issue of relations literature-mafia was involved the study of literary-critical Massimo Onofri, all to dinner at Don Mariano . It is a deeply informed research that not only are proposed and compared different generations of Sicilian writers who have dealt with this issue, but also reflections on the theme. In this paper are highlighted contradictions in which he fell Giuseppe Pitre, in its etymological and sociological discourses around the word mafia and the fact that it implies, it remembers that kind of silence in respect dellargomento, marked by Sciascia, Capuana, Verga ; to unmask the self-laudatory Sicilian, loaded with filomafiose implications, not only present but also in Pitrè Cesareo, Drive, in court, the slave memoirs and volumes of the prefect Iron Cesare Mori. According to the historian of popular traditions Giuseppe Pitre, the word mafia has the original meaning "graciousness and excellence of its kind" and then "be a man of conscience, self-assurance never arrogance of mind ..." . He described the Mafia as a person who wanted to be respected and, if offended, do not go to court, because it would have shown its weakness.

According to the scholar, the image of the Mafia as a crime would have been spread by the play of Joseph Rizzotto I mafiusi of the Vicariate. Capuana, a conference was to clarify: 'Mafia once did not mean ... association of criminals, and the Mafia was not a thief, much less a robber. The word mafia meant something nice and kind ... Mafia was called a beautiful girl, mafia every item that the French would say, 'chic' ... Today mafia and mafia are no longer any of this '. "

In the reconstruction of the fight against the Mafia Mori is the so-called" strong solution ", namely the suspension of all rights, the strong way, the city state' siege. It 's the card played by the newly fascist regime and often claimed, then until today, as an example of a tough and determined way of approaching the organized crime.

All literature about the mafia is often considered junk just because it fails to sensitize and inform people about the problem by creating a culture of legality. Camilleri As noted in an interview, analyze the Mafia was up to historians, sociologists, is not the job of writers or novelists, for lalterare inevitably end up with reality, to bring it to their personal parameters and fantastic narrative. If the mafia can be no screening, probably by the storytellers are, where they end up falling in love with their characters. For example Small district court, Joseph Guido Loschiavo (novel from which he drew the Pietro Germi film In the name of the law ) Sicilian prosecutor, presents us with a certain sympathy with the character of Passallacqua Turi, head of the Mafia. The same is taking place The Day of the Owl by Leonardo Sciascia: Don Mariano is a debater, with experience of peasant wisdom, so that, in a world that is inexorably corrupts, ultimately also find some positives. In fact, the mafia positive side has none. I'm just pure criminals, more or less organized, more or less intelligent, with deaths and carnage on the shoulders. This is the starting point for a calm appraisal of the phenomenon: the mafia are dangerous outlaws. Must to rely on scholars, who not only limited to the study of the criminal trial, but to go in search of the underlying causes of the monstrous development of the mafia. Not only should rely on the courts.

When Romano or Hesse wrote their essays on the mafia, the major processes are not even dreamed of, the Mafia was a quid undefined and undefinable. Can and should exist a priori analysis, supported, in retrospect, the findings of trials. But without the analysis of specialists, professionals (we use this expression in a different sense from that intended Sciascia, which referred only to the judges) will not go far. The Mafia was first

illiterate, but when he learned to light has started to kill the journalists because he understood the importance of words: a journalist who writes, which identifies certain bonds, certain relationships, brings his insights and knowledge, create unopinione public against the mafia and this is a huge risk for it. Therefore, journalists, commentators and historians, such as Fava, Wolf, Pantaleone, who wrote many books on the Mafia, and they alone are able to be completely neutral and then inform the public about the severity related to this issue.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Lab Five Cell Respiration Results


This year my school is being done in the direction of a teaching focused on the values \u200b\u200bof legality. We have agreed, among other things, the project proposed by the study center "Pio La Torre" Palermo which we propose a series of videoconferences on the topic. Interesting topics, engaging speakers. Participating in the project and 50 schools are connected by videoconference in Sicily along with 30 schools in the rest of the Italian territory.

second meeting today, the theme was:

"Opposition historical, social and political rebellion against the mafia and entrepreneurship."

Rapporteur Professor, University of Messina Centorrino. The speakers were other personalities from civil society and among them Vincenzo Conticello Ancient Focacceria S. Francis Palermo

Vincenzo Conticello

And he told us his story ...

Then he gave us a recipe for defeating the mafia, and he's recipes they will be ...

a good dose of sound policy

a streamlined bureaucracy that functions

the knowledge that you do not have trade rights with the favors

a church present and able to assume the task for which Christ willed

a judiciary free to act without tethers the constricting to fight "with his bare hands" organized crime

a police that is made in terms of acting

and everything and with all citizens, all citizens who do their duty, each in his field, assuming direct responsibility for their actions, forming a community anti-mafia.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

لورنا مورجان

Initiation and the hierarchy of the Mafia families

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Joining the mafia equivalent to convert to a religion. [1] Any member, who agrees to take up its part of the organization, must undergo the ritual of initiation. The candidate is led into a room in the presence of the representative of the family and other simple men of honor, and often they are deployed on the one hand, while the initiate stands on the other. At this point the representative of the family sets out the rules governing the initiate'organizzazione, claiming first that what is usually called the Mafia, Cosa Nostra is actually named. Starting to list the requirements that must be strictly adhered to: not want the woman to other men of honor, do not steal, do not exploit the prostitution, not to kill other men of honor, except in cases of absolute necessity, to avoid the accusation to the police, not to put in contrast with other men of honor , show a more serious and proper conduct, maintain absolute silence with strangers on the Cosa Nostra, never be with other men of honor alone, because the rules require that another man of honor, known by those who should contact, to ensure their membership in the Cosa Nostra, the words: This man is the same thing [2] . At this point the representative of the calls began to choose a patron of men of honor present and begins the ceremony of swearing. This is the newcomer to ask which hand is used to shoot and to affect the index of this hand a small notch to bring out a drop of blood that is smeared with a sacred image (often the Annunciation, restraint lady of the Cosa Nostra). In some families it is customary sting (rite of "Punch", where the initiative is called "punciutu") the index with a plug of bitter orange, in others, such as the family of Riesi, with a gold brooch, which was used solely for this ritual. Is then burned the image and the initiative should it pass from hand to hand swearing allegiance, deserving if not how to burn the image. Simultaneously, the representative points out the novice sternly not to betray the rules of the organization. At this point explains the hierarchy of the family. The basic cell is the family of Cosa Nostra with its traditional values: respect for blood ties, loyalty, friendship and honor. The family is headed by one man: the father-master, corresponding to the father of amiglia. The honor is increased through obedience: the Mafia in exchange for availability increase their burden of honor, thus obtaining more money, more information and more power. The honor, however, involves an obligation to tell the truth (and is therefore of the style known elliptical exchanges between mafiosi), which promotes duty in a certain sense the mutual trust that is scarce among the outlaws. But the duties of trust also explains the elements of honor mafia regarding sex and marriage. The new initiates swear not to make money from prostitution and not to go to bed with the wife of another mobster, on pain of death penalty and will be subjected to this fate also honor all those men who flaunt their wealth, and will give the gambling. The honor also requires that a mobster put before the interests of Cosa To those of our family members. How to honor the mafia, the religion mafia men of honor helps to justify their actions in front of you, other mobsters and their families. I love mafia often think that if they do kill in the name of something higher than the money and power: God the honor and the honor for the Mafia So it becomes a sense of professional respect, a system of values and the totem of a group identity, and as such has nothing to do with the Sicilian tradition, with Catholicism or with the cavalry [3] . Each family can also count 200 or 300 members, but the average is about 50. Each family controls a territory where nothing can happen without the consent of the head. Its starting point is the man of honor, the soldier, who has a weight in the family regardless of the position that you can play. Among them are defined mafia "cronies" [4] , which is the end of an honorable man. The union of several families who have relationship of consanguinity or who have a kinship with the comparaggio (obtained acting as a godfather to a baptism or a witness at a wedding), is the clan. The indissoluble link between the mafia is after many years, so a kid, even if they go abroad, is still affiliated with the family of origin. Legendary characters within Cosa Nostra, or as Don Calò Vizzini Giuseppe Genco Russo Vincenzo Rimi or Thomas or Buscetta soldiers will remain for life, despite their influence and their prestige. The soldiers elect the leader they call the representative, as protection against the interests of the family of Cosa Nostra. The election shall be held by secret ballot and is preceded by a series of surveys and contacts, and almost always confirmed unanimously. In addition, heads of several families in a province (Catania, Agrigento, Trapani) appoint the so-called provincial representative. This applies to all provinces except for that of Palermo, where, typically, a head mandamento control groups on a single contiguous territory, it is a member of the Commission, or Dome of the province. The dome has a coordinating role between local families, but no murder ordered by the commission may be effected without the consent of the family of responsibility. In turn, this dome appoint a representative to the Regional Commission, composed of all the provincial representatives of Cosa Nostra: this is the highest body of the organization, which is called by men of honor the region. This issue decrees, such as prohibiting kidnapping in Sicily, resolve conflicts and take all strategic decisions.

Around cosa nostra mafia groups do not move (as it was for the smuggling of cigarettes before the drug), which are generally coordinated by individual men of honor.

The Mafia is characterized also by its archaic values \u200b\u200bquickly adapting to the needs of the present, his ability to blend in with the civil society, to use intimidation and violence, for the number and size followers of the criminal, for his ability to be always different and always equal to itself [5] . A mafia boss has an absolute right to keep under surveillance the lives of his men, it can happen that a mobster should ask his superior for permission to marry. It is essential that the individual should make a judicious choice mob when he wants to marry, in fact, even more than the other husbands, the mafia have a duty to keep good their wives, why else is the risk that a mafia wife, dissatisfied with the conduct of his husband, decides to talk to the police, severely damaging linters family. In the words of Judge Falcone is not the legitimate wife humiliated in his social environment. The woman has nellorganizzazione not a decision making role, but the task of keeping the family lamministrazione deprived of any good man of honor. She also relationships with people and teach children the principles of which The organizer is linked, including revenge. Young people are trained to fight with everything and everyone, giving the highest value on family and personal prestige, to increase by fair means or foul. The mobsters often marry sisters and daughters of other men of honor, women who spent his life in a mafia. Another possibility is that women actively support the work of their men, albeit in subordinate roles. Women can not be admitted to the mafia, it is a quality lonore exclusively male, but a mafia lonore increases the prestige of his wife and her good behavior, in turn, the load of honor of her husband.

Students of this phenomenon are used to distinguish between an old mafia, the original one, and a new mafia, that sort in the sixties, with partly different characteristics. G. says Falcone, however, you must destroy the myth, or rather must be convinced that there is always a new mafia ready to supplant the old.

[1] Things to do our Giovanni Falcone in collaboration with Marcelle Padovani. P. 97

[2] Things to do in our collaboration with Giovanni Falcone PM Marcelle Padovani 98

The information was taken from the book of things what we Giovanni Falcone in collaboration with Marcelle Padovani Bur publisher and book publishers Cosa Nostra by John Dickie Laterza

[3] John Dickie, Cosa Nostra , history of the Sicilian Mafia, Laterza Ed

[4] curious is the story of the term mafia godfather as a person: When Mario Puzo wrote his best-selling mafia, translated in English the term by which the Mafia of a certain class is they called each other "comrades", just godfather in English, the Italian translator, forgetting that the term was originally from Sicily, retranslated verbatim in godfather

[5] G. M. Falcone Padovani, Cose di Cosa Nostra , RCS Rizzoli Libri, Milano 1992

Sunday, August 2, 2009

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Who knows what people think is the Mafia, perhaps a ' Association criminal, maybe an octopus, maybe a legacy of ancient ignorance? Maybe ... maybe all this, but most importantly it is another.

Falcone thought

"The Mafia is not invincible, is a human and like all human facts have a beginning and will also have an end. Rather we must realize that it is a phenomenon terribly serious and very serious and that you can win by not claiming heroism but inert citizens engaged in this battle all the best forces of the institutions'

But the facts seem to contrast these words, it seems that this peculiar human fact is a fact of nature, and like the wind, hail, and volcanic eruptions, never seems to end.

I wonder why , but the answer I'm afraid I know how ...

Beyond the mythic origins are lost in the mists of time, so the etymology seems to spring from an ancient Arabic word, the Mafia is vital force in the estate, in a covenant relationship " gattopardesca " between noblemen owners of those ch 'were feuds and a story that seems go to a new sense has turned into large estates, without detracting from the ancient identity and " gabbelloti " , that is, literally , a tenant who paid the "Gabella", or the rent of the bottom of the nobleman who took care of his little plot , but he wanted to make the best possible, by investing as little as possible. It is not that by its nature the gabbelloto was a criminal, but it is true that the nobles much preferred to entrust their fund to a "rogue Sperti and" able to dominate over the peasants, even with half a clove, with the help of private guards, usually armed guards of the fields.

Here this is where you create the link between people quickly with weapons and able to take in hand the situation with the abuse and so-called " cappeddi " or belonging to the upper classes, already in the hat, the hat, pointed to his membership in opposed to " Burritt ", or the poor people who cover their heads with a cap. This

in the past, but the Sicilians are known for a history gattopardesca , that is, a story that changes so nothing changes ...

Indeed this connection between a power "baronial" and overbearing men never ceased, and was used often to the detriment of state power, but more often against the poor. Here it would be interesting

go see the relationship between the State and this power, which define " gangster" or "criminal" becomes simplistic and not fully complexity.

The ancient " gabelloti " (but not all were criminals gabelloti ) have tasted the power acquired through the alliance with the barons. But for them the power is "the stuff" and control of the territory. " The

stuff, as described by Verga in novel of the same name, is not the capital, but it 's piling up of goods, tangible, visible, making the owner "powerful" and respected. And the control of the territory, that the detailed control of everything that happens in the territory of relevance, almost novel God on earth, certainly more efficient of territorial control exercised by the state legally. Just contrast with the state is characteristic of the mafia, but the opposition which means struggle and confrontation, the mafia does not want to fight or confrontation with the state, want the State to delegate to him, he wants the state is far away. The picciotti that the mafia sent to Garibaldi (but not all were sent by the mafia picciotti) for the Thousand are in testify to the need of joint barons and gangsters for a new reality state, the more geographically distant by the Bourbons, the more absent.

brings us to the history of the Republican .

the mafia, therefore, interesting stuff and the control of the territory and rely on the intrinsic alliance with the "barons" and their followers, that the novel emerging class (everything changes so nothing changes). They are capable of a thousand twists and turns and changes: from the original control of large estates, passed to the control of everything that takes "stuff" and control of the territory (because the lens does not change, the change means to achieve !).

So a nascent post-war Italy, when a minister, Gullo, issue decrees that would have led to agrarian reform, the Mafia, allied to the barons, they show their power by killing tens of trade unionists, including Placido Rizzotto .

The Mafia is therefore the longa manus , dripping blood, the interests of owners, but not all.

The Mafia is capable of becoming the longa manus more varied interest, provided you do not have control, to have management control of the territory in and stuff. And here

Portella della Ginestra , massacre attributed to Salvatore Giuliano and his band. Certainly Salvatore Giuliano was there with his men to Portella, but it was only the foolish servant of a bigger picture of him, drawing a path from "refined minds " which, with the help of the Mafia ( longa manus ), wanted to oust by the new Republican reality the Left (the Popular Front, who had just won the election 10 days prior to the first regional assembly) and the peasants. And in fact the same month of May 1947 the leftists were driven out of the national government.


Gaspare Pisciotta had said the process of Viterbo: "We are like the Holy Trinity: we, the mafia and the State" and accused the minister of Sicilian Scelba connivance with the mafia and of promises made to Julian exchange of the fight against the "communist". But Pisciotta said the end we all know, after he killed Julian.

Portella is on, everything comes down to.

Now we talk about the massacre in via D'Amelio and again at a distance of 17 arise sewage sinister conspiracies and false leads. Caponnetto had said after the death of Borsellino "It is finished 'means the Anti-State and the State have come to terms and made the " Papello , as always ...

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Our beautiful land and miserable .....

" The fight against the Mafia is the first problem to be solved
in our beautiful land unfortunate . He must not only be a separate work of repression, but a moral and cultural movement that involved all
and especially our younger generations, the most suitable to them feel the beauty of
fresh air of freedom that makes the stench of refuse compromise
moral indifference, and then the contiguity of complicity.
when I remember the happiness of Falcone in a short period of enthusiasm he said: "People are cheering for us." And this is not meant to refer only to the comfort that the moral support of the population
gave the job of the judge, meant something more, especially meant that our work was also awakening the conscience. "

Paolo Borsellino

Saturday, July 25, 2009

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Mafia and economy reflect

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The impact that the criminal presence today on the economic life island appears to be fundamentally linked to the activity criminal groups based mafia protection money
. In fact, experts agree that among the various types of illegal activities that have a negative impact on the region, first in order of importance appears to be extortion activity, followed by wear, traffic and drug dealing, trade weapon, robbery.

Wear to is a r Lativa and news for the mafias or cci dental. This "sad ere" was not considered worthy of a man of honor, es Pesso bosses, according to a policy of defending the victims of usury type populist pressure to bear on moneylenders. Today, even prominent elements of the Cosa Nostra is dedicate this att Invite them that u p also be associated with dirty money laundering operations. Usury and extortion are the phenomena of undisputed fact (except for the reaction represented by some almost self-governing committees of the anti-racket traders, active mainly in the provinces directs them, and the recent establishment by the state of the post of National Commissioner Anti-racket ) that over time distorted local markets:

  • the first is often the first step p er control processes on production, which then lead the acquisition of companies forced by the mafia, that companies are qu asi always governed by nominees;

  • the second opens a channel of communication between entrepreneurs , small or large, and mafia, through which the operator Economic unscrupulous may enter into a relationship with the mafia family, obtaining in exchange for financial benefits such as supplies, ap Palti, positions of income, favoritism by public officials and concessions.

Regarding forms of criminal control on ' economy, they extend to much of sub-legal economy that often exercise functions cover . The sector is more involved in public works , in which there is still an evolution. The past, anc he recently was characterized by strong nza took the forms of criminal mediation between local authorities and enterprises and between enterprises and the criminal world smaller. Of this intermediate even the largest firms in North contractors of many public works in Sicily have ever wanted to do less, and not only for fear of mafia attacks in cas or resistance, but also because the entry in cordate-political mafia ensured the certainty of the acquisition of contracts. After shaking up the political
1993, after the massacres of '92, which hit the judges Falcone and Borsellino, and judicial proceedings of clean hands, which led to the end the so-called First Republic, with
the formation of new local councils and provincial, there were significant changes from the side of ap Palti public. Closed contracts, the procedures for certification of com taken, the action limited, or in ome cases zero, some form of negotiation over how the discretionary private treaty, and so on. helped to make great strides in terms of transparency and regularity. It must also take into account the impact on the situation of the Sicilian austerity policy determined by changes in domestic policy, which, by reducing the resources available, h to further contributed to this if ttore less attractive to the Mafia. There is, however, those who believe that the audit of public procurement is still widespread, although to a lesser extent than in the past, certainly it is less blatant and direct, as it uses forms of camuffamen to (sub-contracting, participation in "boxes Chinese "company formation" clean "ad hoc ). There is also a mechanism that can override the supervision by the most rigorous and well-meaning public officials, or that the so-called " shifts. It is based on an agreement between the several local entrepreneurs who can be interested in the procurement of public administration, agreement invariably provided by a Mafia group. Under this agreement, one company taking part in a tender, adj iudicandosela without having to perform reductions. At the next race will take part in another company, also alone, which will now be compensated for having abstained from the previous year. Afterwards it's up to turn to other companies, until they had all their parts. Obviously there are several variations of this mechanism that the Rendon or much more difficult to detect, for example the participation of more companies agreed to drop that should help win the race, etc..

Since the extra profits of the winner (not necessarily is the one that actually perform the work) will be taken to the boss who shares guaranteed lassegnazione dellappalto for officials complacent, for politicians who have did get the contract. As for the mafia on public works linfluenza else to say also that the construction of the Messina Bridge (which, if it is built, one of the most important works of the world) is a great source of income for the mafias in terms of profit but also of power, which has always been the reason it was giving the mafia. The economy-Mafia plot involves other productive sectors, especially trade, construction and finance. The banking sector in particular has played a crucial role: the political control of large regional banks like the Banco di Sicilia and Sicilcassa favored by large industrial groups participating in the triangular plot between perverse mafia-politics-business collusion in favor of employers and pests, and to the detriment of small and medium enterprises. The credit policy Terms and conditions brought in the course of time these institutions in situations of severe distress bank, which today, even after the intervention of the police and takeovers, force a policy of extreme caution in granting credit and rejection of the business risk further damage to healthy entrepreneurship. Especially in the retail sector, the credit tightening has not thrown a few players in the arms of wear (a problem as cited in his book, Tano Grasso U Pizzu and for which adequate measures have been taken, or new forms of Credit Trust).

The plot mafia-politics-business has led to very negative consequences for economic growth in Sicily, especially in the long term. Negative consequences were:

- the lack Programming in construction of infrastructure for the roads, for example, have not been implemented effectively where needed, but in territories controlled by mafia groups and / or where there were construction firms colluding;

- Failure to complete the public works (highways, water systems, local roads, dams, urban transport networks) which could in turn, if completed, be factors of economic and social development;

- the of infrastructure on a very low quality , which require continuous and costly maintenance and no do not provide full functionality (in some cases, it works almost unusable);

- the creation of an economy "addicted" based, not on entrepreneurship and competitiveness of companies, but the secret negotiations between entrepreneurs, politicians and mobsters, totally dependent on public money and likely to collapse as soon as the money is out;

- the birth of companies "false" , unable to survive outside market junkie, which produce goods and services at inflated prices and little or no competition, companies that also when they are kidnapped, you can not put on the market and create serious employment problems.

should take also into consideration what has been the policy of the State to trigger the development of the South, trying to get the local economy from stagnation. in the assessment of the policy of public intervention in the Mezzogiorno is appropriate to make distinctions.

If the long term and with specific regard to some social aspects of such an effect is undeniable positive (increase in income, infrastructure), it can not be On the other hand deny that the intervention had a significant impact in terms of economic growth of criminal activity. More generally, it could not get rid of social work and instrumental action is in fact unable to determine the outcome of development autopropulsivo.Il problem is, once again, that of relationship between political systems and organized crime : yes This is an intense relationship in the past and still exists, based on an identity of interests (on the one hand, the accumulation of social consensus and the accumulation of electoral and other economic resources and power) between two systems that are integrated into a variety of forms, from interpenetration of organic exchange permanent or occasional basis. This penetration would have a long history: there is even one who goes back to the last years of feudalism, which the customization of the perverse political relations on the whole island would be continued. As regards the manner of the report, the prevailing pattern seems to be that the negotiation between two systems (the political and the criminal) that were independent politician "buy" votes and the mob boss sells them. Not infrequently happens that a boss, unhappy with the offer of a politician in terms of protection, contracts, etc.. Enters into negotiations with other candidates, then dividing them between 2-3 of the package of votes controls. It 'difficult to believe, given the secrecy of the vote, the vote-buying in Sicily was based or relies on a mechanism of intimidation. It probably works through a network of common interests: the voter who votes according to the instructions of the boss or his associates would not do for fear, but for personal convenience (exchange of favors, expectation of benefits, business in town, etc.. ). It is certain that, at present, the situation seems in many respects in an interim phase: several signals are suspecting the search for new alliances between organized crime and political forces are not yet clear, and the possible structure of the future. Moreover, it is true that, in parallel to the earthquake brought to the island by the events of '92, '93, there was a significant redistribution of voting on a national basis, which also covered the island. New political subjects and new balances have forced criminal groups to review their electoral strategies. In more general discussion of public intervention in Sicily, a separate chapter is the problematic relationship with the public administration , and the Sicilian Region in particular, accused by many to represent a model of relations of patronage and allegiance not able to develop positive aspects of service for businesses and individuals characterized by inefficiency and functional development of forms of mediation managed by several outside parties, including the mafias.


Tano Grasso, "U Lace '

Giovanni Falcone in collaboration with Marcelle Padovani," Cose Cosa Nostra "

www.news2000. (site main)

research work of Gaetano Di Stefano

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Little Miss Mr Men Shirt Singapore

"The hope of these kids it's time to do not leave your head. The gun that has escaped hand of the Mafia culture. "
Felicia Impastato Borlotta mother of Peppino Impastato, killed by the Mafia on 9, 5, 1978

"The fight against the Mafia is the first problem to be solved in our beautiful land and unfortunate. He must not only be a separate work of repression, but a moral and cultural movement that involved all and especially our oung g generations, the most suitable immediately feel the beauty of the fresh air of freedom which reject the stench of compromise the default, indifference, and the contiguity therefore of complicity . I remember when the happiness of Falcone in a short period of enthusiasm he said: The people cheering for us. And this is not meant to refer only to the comfort that the moral support of the population gave the job of the court, it meant something more, especially meant that our work was also sve gliando consciences. "
Paolo Borsellino

" The Mafia is not invincible, is a human and, like all human facts, has a beginning and an end will . Instead we must realize that it is a phenomenon deadly serious and very serious and that you can win not claiming heroism on unarmed citizens, but engaged in this battle all the best forces of the institutions "
Giovanni Falcone

" Unfortunately, the courts may act only in part in the fight against the Mafia. If the Mafia is an institution that attracts Anti-State consents considered more efficient because of the state, the school's task is reverse this process perverse form ndo youth culture and institutions of the State . "Paolo Borsellino

Sunday, July 19, 2009

How Come My Stomach Is Hard


"To get an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat was originally the mafia, just think of the considerations that Manzoni, in" The Betrothed ", plays on the phenomenon of bravado. Sgherri type of good, serves the interests and whims of the nobility, in Sicily were the prototypes of the mafia.
In Sydney, fell to English rule and replaced Austrian, through social reform and economic change, and especially thanks to the correctness of state officials, and then all of the administrative machinery of the state, the bravado was naturally eliminated from the social body.
In Sicily, endures the conditions of English rule an that when the Spaniards there was no longer resisting the social structures of feudalism (and, moreover, full of distrust of feudalism, the privileges of greedy, quarrelsome, anarchic ), that which was originally bravado over time became what we now know as the Mafia. "
So Leonardo Sciascia speaks of mafia in an interview published in" Liberation " December 30, 1976

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Marriage Card Messages


Before the examination was reminded of the fateful question: How do I prepare for me to say?
answer to this question is not there. Or rather, there is no course that is capable of using a foolproof method, or rather no course you could explain exactly what will be the same yardstick that will use the Commissioners consideration.
There is not even a single yardstick of what is "identifying marks" that may lead to cancellation of the test, except of course the most obvious sign as the task or use multiple pens of different colors. Example of uncertainty is typical of people like me have a pleasant and would like to write bad print or at least in capital italics. For some commissioners, print is a sign of identification.
At this point we return to the original question or the courses are pre-exam?
analyze them first, sti courses. They are generally divided into theory and practice. Theory is a remake of university courses, with some ruling more or give some specific issue, perhaps of interest, but that almost certainly will not be subject to examination. Some lessons are for the job, even for the other, most not so good for the exam.
The practice is much more useful, in fact takes the form of pseudo-examination with the prospect of a track from which single out an opinion or an act. These exercises are very useful, not so much to know if you are sufficient or not the course but to join the order of ideas in the drafting of an opinion and, in the case of an act, an act of drawing the old fashioned way with pen and paper. The computer
damn much, copy and paste are detrimental not only to work every day but especially for the state exam.
How many candidates would be able to write to memory a proxy or an attorney to fight better? Few and the many I would put it even before I start writing by hand acts.
Now I use Dragon Naturally Speaking 10, and then I speak and write the computer, but I have already passed the exam. First it was a must pen and paper and sometimes someone in the studio are angry because I delivered last acts, the important thing is not the time to expire.
If I can give advice, therefore, participate in courses where there are plenty of written evidence and, if you want to avoid any theoretical lesson, go ahead. The rapporteur does not take offense, he knows that he must take lessons to lengthen the course. Ops are not very politically correct, but amen.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Cut Roof Of Mouth How To Stop Bleeding

Tips: Do not bring your books are not allowed in the shoes of the Commissioner

happens that before the examination, be willing to take the manuals or other books that are not allowed. The temptation is strong, even irresistible. I tried it but I also examined by lawyer is not a big deal in terms of time and help.
Capita fact that the checks are moderate, but it also happens that the commissioners are "Attention" and that make even the patrols to prevent people from using means that are not allowed, even while locked in the bathroom.
practical advice to avoid being expelled from the examination without any guilt is as follows.
happens that some "problem" hiding in the bathrooms of the manuals. It happens that some commissioners are awaiting the release of the candidate from the bathroom and then check the room.
What would happen if there was a book or other writing in the bathroom even unbeknownst to the candidate just come out?
It could happen that the candidate is ejected or otherwise lose at least half an hour to clarify his position.
If you will not be discovered, however, you are not in a very favorable. The merger would be to connect what we read not a little disturbed by the fear of being discovered. The opinions copy already done instead is not very useful because they are too long and not always related to the specific case of tracks in this review.
The best thing is to focus on the highest present codes annotated with case law. Those are very specific and related to the traces of the Ministry are sewn on the judgments of the Supreme Court. The tranquility and subsequent recommendations, as well as your right concentration, do the rest.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Design Your Own Wrestling Belt


We think we're in the shoes of the Commissioner of the examination in long afternoons or mornings where I browse the sheets of calligraphy protocol different, not always easy to understand.
One of my biggest problems was to write it in an understandable way, not so much for grammar but for the mere recognition of symbols.
From this point of view I have just made to fill, as in elementary school, individual pages and pages of letters written exactly as I saw the sign hanging on the walls of elementary school.
Copy the task in good readable copy and 30% of the work is certainly

What I just said is pretty normal I would say trivial, but I think it is of paramount importance, at least for people like me who have an incomprehensible handwriting when write without precaution. Basic
now find a way to understand just from the first page that the applicant is the owner of the proposed issue and the main issues to consider.
think it to be the examiner of your script and did not know any way what the schedule followed by those who drafted the opinion.
phrases too complex, if not courtly guide could put a strain on the attention if not the patience of the reader. How many times do we happen to read a legal article and come back on because you have not understood the meaning. The commissioners examined are just normal people with excellent legal expertise, however, called to evaluate the ability to exert the theme proposed.
It is therefore essential to draw up the opinion with sentences as short as possible and clear .

This is not to say that it is necessary to write a story that even a child understands, it is enough that is understandable by a man of culture media. This will make it very understandable to the Commissioner of the examination.

Expand Motherboard Add Card

Tasks are essentially identical, differing results

In my personal experience has happened several times that the tasks are essentially identical examined and found very different.
all know that the state exam takes place in a very special atmosphere, 2000, and pass people all grouped into one large room which may be the Palastampa of Turin. In this case, the bench is close to less than 3 cm from their space. The stalls where you perform the tasks because they are small and very close to each other.
solutions of the tasks can be found on the codes that come regularly to the state exam, stamped endorsed by the committee. It is useless to take where to copy the manuals or texts with the views already put forward, if you are found over the figure of shit it is excluded.
They say that persons who have already successfully copied the manual task to be undertaken with advice has been rejected by voting below the threshold of promotion.
Unfortunately we find ourselves in situations where the examiners are in correcting more than 6000 tasks (2000x3) that good or bad they all say the same thing. According to ruling of the Cassation number, so we conclude that the proposed event will be resolved as follows.
In this case, I noticed a simple thing, let's get in the shoes of the examiner that there is a task exactly the same as another. Same understood not so much with semicolons and letters but in substance.
imagine that this situation is repeated hundreds of times, you understand that, although humanly an attempt to try to be objective, it will have to consider the first task seen as sufficient and the other slightly lower. It is sad to see whose it is and also touched me.
need is to find a system of preparation of the task, being different, and not get bored in part amazes me. But now a system that gives the impression that the writer has understood the problem. But we are careful not to overdo it and not fall under the sign of identification.
The advice I have just described assumes that the proposed solutions to the legal problem with the track of the task can be defined, interpreted and resolved with the solution to these codes annotated with case law and therefore a solution well or badly argued by most candidates. Internet

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Why this blog

I opened this space to recommend to other people that I followed the methodologies and eventually managed to pass the examination by the lawyer, including myself. To tell the truth the examination I moved to Turin (correction of the writings of Florence).
Like many others I had to try several times to change the script (the first year is always not fair Florence torpedo like many others), and I must say that this time looking at the cards for a ride in Spain I was very demoralized.
With this state of mind wandered to the Internet I started hoping that the network could give me some answers on the methods you can follow to find a way to understand how a script should be written.
In one of several forums I found some interesting ideas.
All these ideas I'll try to recount on this blog.